
本条目收录了悠星网络为《明日方舟》IP 在日本、韩国、国际各平台开设的官方账号发布的宣传图及贺图。



2023-9-23 【秋分の日】


「これが、あなたたちの決めたこと……」 ​​​

2023-8-11 【山の日】


山深き渓流の輝きに目を奪われて。 ​​​

2023-8-4 「登臨意」


公式ファンキットでも公開中! ​​​

2023-7-17 【海の日】


どこであっても、この炎は消えない。 ​​​

2023-6-11 「シラクザーノ」

SIDE STORY「シラクザーノ」のイベントステージは、6/13(火)3:59にて終了となります。ご注意ください。


文明と荒野、終わりなき衝突。だが希望を託せる若者もそこにいる。 ​​​

2023-5-13 「淬火煙塵」


ヴィクトリア、我が栄光、我が国家よ。 ​​​

2023-4-9 「夕景に影ありて」


イラストレーターの先崎真琴(@senzakimakoto)先生からの記念イラストも届きました! ​​​

2023-4-2 「翠玉の夢」

SIDE STORY「翠玉の夢」の報酬受取期間は、 4月4日(火)3:59までです。ご注意ください。


芽生えた命に、祝福を。 ​​​

2023-2-2 「理想都市 -エンドレスカーニバル-」



冷織(@hiyahiyaval)先生からの記念イラストも届きました! ​​​

2023-1-22 【春節】




2022-12-10 公式Twitterフォロワー数60万人突破

これからも引き続きよろしくお願いいたします! ​​​

2022-11-24 「狂人号」2




礼拝堂のお手伝いも、街の巡回も、懸命に。 ​​​

2022-11-18 「狂人号」

SIDE STORY「狂人号」の開催、そして #アークナイツ秋感謝祭2022 を記念し、イラストレーターの葉山えいし(@ha_tak)先生からイラストが届きました!


2022-11-1 「光冠残蝕」





2022-9-23 【秋分の日】



SIDE STORY「吾れ先導者たらん」は9月30日(金)3:59まで開催!​​​

2022-8-24 「闇散らす火花」



2022-8-11 【山の日】



ファンキットでも公開中です。ぜひチェックしてみてください。 ​​​

2022-7-18 【海の日】


絵の中の海でも、楽しい! ​​​

2022-7-1 多言語ボイスの実装を記念



やこたこす(@yakotakos)先生から特別な記念イラストも届きました! ​​​

2022-5-25 春の大感謝祭2022


▼SIDE STORY「ニアーライト」



2022-5-19 「ニアーライト」




2022-2-2 【春節】



2022-1-27 「ドッソレスホリデー」


  1. アークナイツ2周年 イベント「ドッソレスホリデー」が開催中!



2022-1-18 公式Twitterフォロワー数50万人突破

おかげさまで、#アークナイツ 公式Twitterアカウントのフォロワー数が50万人を突破!



2021-11-23 【勤労感謝の日】


信念は何も変えられなくても、そばに誰もいなくても、今は少し休んで、この時を堪能しよう。 ​​​

2021-11-19 「危機契約#5」



2021-11-10 「潮汐の下」

SIDE STORY「潮汐の下」の報酬受取期間は、11月11日(木)3:59までです。ご注意ください。


「狩人が三人、陸へと上がる……♪」 ​​​

2021-8-12 【山の日】

少し遅れてしまいましたが、#アークナイツ 1.5周年を記念した山の日イラストをご紹介!


ファンキットでも公開中です。ぜひチェックしてみてください。 ​​​

2021-7-27 1.5周年お祝いイラスト③



アークナイツ 1.5周年イベント、SIDE STORY「画中人」開催まであと3日。お楽しみに!​​​

2021-7-24 1.5周年キービジュアル




2021-7-22 【海の日】

現在開催中の #危機契約 を記念し、カマキリ(@rayvon_in_twtr)さんからいただいた海の日イラストをご紹介!

さて、ここを出たら、何をしようか? ​​​

2021-7-21 1.5周年お祝いイラスト②

ついに、明日は #アークナイツ 公式生放送当日……!

スラム街に未だ残る傷跡――私達は最善を尽くします。 ​​​

2021-7-20 1.5周年お祝いイラスト①

おかげさまで #アークナイツ は1.5周年を迎えます。そこで、頂戴したお祝いイラストをご紹介いたします!


あの決戦がまるで昨日のよう。方舟は明日へ動き続ける。 ​​​



2023-8-28 A Death in Chunfen

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event A Death in Chunfen!
"I may not be at your side all the time.
But don't worry, when you need me, I will be there."

Artist info: がわこ (@gigzagu123) ​​​

2023-8-3 Discord 200k Users

Dear Doctor, we have reached 200k users on Discord. A huge thanks to every Doctor, the community cannot be built without your love and support! Please enjoy the beautiful melody and scenery with our Operators!

Artist info: がわこ (@gigzagu123) ​​​

2023-8-2 Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing new side story event Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow!
"Someone must make a stand for Yumen. I guess there's no one but me to do it."

Artist info: Daniel Deng 邓奕铭 (@ddengart) ​​​

2023-7-23 Arknights 3.5 Anniverary Countdown

Dear Doctor, the Livestream will start in 10 minutes. Please stay tuned!

Artist info: 麻兵 (@mabingame) ​​​

2023-7-23 Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Puzzle Art

Dear Doctor, here's Anniversary Celebration Puzzle Art you've unlocked in Puzzle Challenge! Thank you for watching Arknights 3.5 Anniversary Livestream and participating in the event!

Artist info: ドッグさん (@gouhou_dog)​​​

2023-7-18 Twitter 350k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 350k followers on Twitter. Together we have journeyed far and wide through a path we paved with passion and love. Let’s continue our adventure!

Artist info: @Bibimbub15​​​

2023-7-15 What the Firelight Casts

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing new event What the Firelight Casts! Long on the run, the Draco returns to the wilderness alone, to face the destruction caused by Dublinn, and to find herself.

Artist info: 二狗 (@fantasyfairydog)​​​

2023-6-6 IL Siracusano

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing new event IL Siracusano! The stage is on, the story will continue. Can you tell if you're an actor, or just an audience?

Artist info: ame (@ameriya7)​​​

2023-6-1 2023 Children's Day

Happy Children's Day, Doctor!
There are a bunch of new dolls in the game center today. Why don't you come pick your favourite one and try to take it home?

Artist info: YOOKI (@YOOKIkiku)​​​

2023-5-24 Mizuki & Caerula Arbor

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing Integrated Strategies: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor!
"Come with me, your true form is still waiting for you beneath the waves."

Artist info: SAIS (@RECNEPSsais)​​​

2023-5-4 Twitter 340k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 340k followers on Twitter. Thank you for your love for Arknights! Let's raise our glasses and sing a hymn in honor of the trials we've conquered together.

Artist info: kei (@_keiuu)​​​

2023-4-28 Episode 11: Return to Mist

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the New Episode - Return to Mist.
The war-torn land yearns for peace, the empty throne awaits its heir.
Thus she has answered.
The blade has answered.

Artist info: akai (@akai_999)​​​

2023-4-10 An Obscure Wanderer

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event! He walks into the sinking sun's lingering warmth, parting company with the past. Still a wanderer, but now treads the path obscure no more.

Artist: Renos (@krawark)​​​

2023-4-9 2023 Easter

Hush, these Easter egges are murmuring in the basket! Maybe you should get closer if you want to find out what they are talking about.
Happy Easter, Doctor!

Artist info: 麻兵。 (@mabingame)​​​

2023-4-2 2023 April Fool's Day

Dear Doctor, Soldiers Assemble: Barrage Fortress is now released! Warm tips from Closure: A true Rhodes Islander should play Barrage Fortress at least 3 times a day.
Happy April Fools' Day!

Artist info: siyer (@siyeyeyeyer)​​​

2023-3-21 Dorothy's Vision

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing new event Dorothy's Vision!
In rainbow fades an em'rald dream
Of path wire-weaved and city in silver gleam,
With tears hers true, her visions to redeem.

Artist: KonYa666 (@hxPTwPREsH6ll10)​​​

2023-2-27 Twitter 330k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 330k followers on Twitter. Thank you for your love for Arknights! Don't fall behind, our new adventure has just begun!

Artist info: nima (@n_n_nima)​​​

2023-2-14 2023 Valentine's Day

"Hope this little gift can tell how grateful I am for your love and accompany."
Happy Valentine's Day, Doctors!

Artist info: あんパン (@faviliash)​​​

2023-1-22 2023 Chinese New Year

Neon lights lit up the night to keep the city awake. Are you waiting for the fireworks to wake up the new year as well?
Happy Chinese New Year, Doctor!

Artist info: 侅扉 (@kaifei_29)​​​

2023-1-8 Ideal City: Endless Carnival

Dear Doctor, you can download this live wallpaper by clicking the link below. Thank you for watching our 3rd Anniversary Livestream. Let's head to the carnival!

Artist info: ReDrop (@otmm)​​​

2023-1-4 Lingering Echoes

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Lingering Echoes!
And so the flute does weep,
In somber a tune unto dark fate steep
O'er cello's one note last, his lament deep.

Artist info: 眉稔 (@aaapair)​​​


2022-12-25 2022 Christmas

"Christmas tree won't grow presents out of nowhere!"
- Ceobe, before she embarked on an adventure to seek the secret of Christmas with Blaze (forced by Kay).
Merry Christmas, Doctor!

Artist info: 卵の黄身 (@rannou75)​​​

2022-12-25 Rhodes Kitchen - Tidbits

Dear Doctor, the New Year's Gourmet Feast event is still ongoing! Please don't hesitate to share your cooking skill with us. Our judges are looking forward to tasting your work. Let's feast up!​​​

2022-11-28 Twitter 310k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 310k followers on Twitter! If you want to get an appropriate hairstyle, please try this cute little hairdresser from Caladon city.

Artist info: サラキ (@saraki1119)​​​

2022-11-24 2022 Thanksgiving Day

Let's enjoy the blessed Laterano feast! Please don't forget to say your prayers first.
Happy Thanksgiving, Doctor!

Artist info: マトリ (@atori_matori)​​​

2022-11-22 Stultifera Navis

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Stultifera Navis! In the surging waves of ages, where can we find the ship to carry our hopes toward the future?

Artist info: kodamazon (@kodamazon_kdm)​​​

2022-11-3 Episode 10: Shatterpoint

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the New Episode - Shatterpoint. The eyes once carried tenderness are now filled with sorrow. The hand once held is now a mere reflection of the past.

Artist info: YGA (@YGeriAn)​​​

2022-11-2 Twitter 300k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have reached 300k followers on Twitter. Thank you for your love and support for Arknights!
Here, it can help you refresh yourself. We still have works to do, right?

Artist info: さらちよみ (@yomi_sarachi99)​​​

2022-10-31 2022 Halloween

Oh, fated hero, what's your choice?
Will you accept the treat of a grave thief,
or will you survive from the trick of the heir of bane?
Let's witness your fate tonight...

Artist info: 野崎つばた (@TsubaTako) ​​​

2022-10-25 Headhunting Program 1st Anniversary

Dear Content Creators, the Headhunting Program has been running for 1 year. Together we've witnessed a surge in its scale, with you delivering so many amazing works. Happy 1st Anniversary!

Artist info: かなりあ (@kanari891) ​​​

2022-9-25 Guide Ahead

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Guide Ahead! If the light of grace cannot be given to all beings in the land equally, then turn me into the flame to light up their path.

Artist info: 日向あずり (@_azz) ​​​

2022-9-23 Twitter 290k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 290k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your love and support for Arknights! It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we can stay close along the journey.

Artist info: nima (@n_n_nima) ​​​

2022-9-1 Phantom & Crimson Solitaire

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing Integrated Strategies: Phantom & Crimson Solitaire! 'Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music of the night.'

Artist info: 侅扉 (@kaifei_29) ​​​

2022-8-19 Discord Image over Form Event

Dear Doctor, thank you for participating in our Discord event: Image over Form! Don't hesitate, let the brush tip follow your heart, then the image would not be bound by any rule or form.

Artist info: かなりあ (@kanari891) ​​​

2022-8-8 Invitation to Wine

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Invitation to Wine! When hopes are won, oh, drink your fill in high delight, and never leave your wine cup empty in moonlight!

Artist info: 伯劳 (@Alphaitai) ​​​

2022-8-6 Twitter 280k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 280k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your love for Arknights! The heat of Summer awakes a hunter's instinct. Now, run for your tails, prey.

Artist info: Csyday (@csyday829) ​​​

2022-7-12 Break the Ice

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Break the Ice! Leave your problems off the table, and melt the bittersweet memories into the fondue. Now you have the flavor of Kjerag.

Artist info: 水溜鳥 (@mizumizutorisan) ​​​

2022-7-1 In-game EN Voices Release

Dear Doctor, in celebrating the in-game EN voices release, one Ten-roll Headhunting Permit has been sent to you via in-game mail as a gift! We will keep working to bring you more amazing in-game EN voices, thank you for your love and support for Arknights!

A huge thanks to やこたこす (@yakotakos) for creating the great art work!​​​

2022-6-30 Twitter 270k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 270k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your love for Arknights! Since you're here, would you like to join the dance with us now?

Artist info: サラキ (@saraki1119)

2022-6-1 2022 Children's Day

The early bird catches the worm. Even though today is a special day, please don't forget the daily training as well.
Happy Children's Day!

Artist info: Bibimbub (@Bibimbub15)

2022-5-29 YouTube 200k Subscribers

Dear Doctor, we have reached 200k subscribers on YouTube! Thank you for your love for Arknights! Although life on Rhodes Island is busy, don't forget to treat yourself well.

Artist info: AO FUJIMORI (@pioooooon)

2022-5-11 Near Light

Dear Doctor, thank you for playing the new event Near Light! The sparks of faith shall lead to the dawn at a long night's end.

Artist info: 久賀フーナ (@hu_na_)

2022-5-6 Twitter 260k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 260k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your love for Arknights! Raise your glasses, for the past left behind, and for the future awaiting ahead.

Artist info: さらちよみ (@yomi_sarachi99)

2022-4-17 2022 Easter

Life on Rhodes Island is like a handmade music egg from Greyy. You never know what you're gonna get. Happy Easter, Doctor!

Artist info: 花ヶ田 (@Lv870)

2022-4-2 Twitter 250k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 250k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your love and support for Arknights!
Closure would like to remind you to keep your distance from Thorns.

Artist info: 風李たゆ (@kazari_tayu)

2022-4-1 2022 April Fool's Day

Dear Doctor, Loyal to The Beat rap festival is about to start! Loyal to the beat, bring up the heat. Let us battle, win the title. Rap is unstoppable. Happy April Fools' Day!

Artist info: 尾崎ドミノ (@ozadomi)

2022-2-9 Twitter 240k Followers

Dear Doctor, we have just reached 240k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your continuous love and support for Arknights. Let's get on the skateboard and keep moving forward this year!

Artist info: PAN:D (@pankoniconico)

2022-2-1 2022 Chinese New Year



2022-7-1 글로벌 더빙 출시 기념 보급

글로벌 더빙 출시 기념 보급

글로벌 더빙 출시 기념으로 박사님의 성원에 감사하는 마음을 담아 축전과 보급을 소개해드립니다.

보급 내용: 헤드헌팅 10회 허가증*1
보급 지급 대상: 2022년 7월 7일 04:00 이전에 게임 계정을 생성하신 모든 유저 (게스트 계정 포함).
수령 기한: 14일​​​