
《CRAVE》是《明日方舟》美术总监唯@W的第二本《明日方舟》艺术概念集,于 Comic Market 95 现场贩售。


  • 外封面 「明日方舟Arknights」Concept art book. - 001
  • 内封面
  • 第001页 amiya.crave version 【Impression】
  • 第002页
  • 第003页
  • 第004-007页 Character Impression art
第004页 amiya - desert
to the begining.
第005页 chen - city
this is the only solution.
第006页 kal'tist - crust
all things are interconnected.
第007页 Talulah - glacier
  • 第008-009页 Amiya. anti-origin version.
  • 第010页
  • 第011页
  • 第012页 Koshea
  • 第013页
“Dear Koshea, may it guard you on your way home.”
  • 第014-016页 guests
第014页 guest by NoriZC
第015页 guest by 幻象黒兎
第016页 guest by 海猫
  • 内封底
  • 外封底


本书第 13 页存在一段由摩尔斯电码进行加密的文本,摘录如下:

“Dear Koshea, may it guard you on your way home.”


经解码整理后可得以下明文,译文部分由 GORIE 的研究员提供[1]

Koshea, whose hiddenidentity appears to be the former Siracusa diplomats of Chernobyl === Renato Finril === was seriously injured during the riots in the city, losing consciousness. When he awaked in Laterano, the man found himself lost all the memories. For unknown reasons, the ancient government of Siracusa denied his citizenship and refused the operator's request to return to his own country. However, Laterano executives seem to have a certain understanding of Koshea's true identity. As the result of a certain incident, the fully recovered operator was expelled from Rutland. The weapon he equipped since one's leaving, a heavy sasr, the donater of which left the secret message

科希亚,隐藏身份疑似为前叙拉古驻切尔诺伯格大使 === 雷纳图·芬里尔 === 于城市暴动中被重伤,并失去了意识。当他在拉特兰醒来时,他发现自己失去了所有的记忆。出于未知的原因,叙拉古的古老政府撤销了他的公民身份,并拒绝了该干员返回自己祖国的请求。但是,拉特兰的执行官似乎对科希亚的真实身份有所了解。因为某起事件的关系,已完全恢复的该干员被从律伦驱逐。他自离开起携带的武器,一把重型特殊用途狙击步枪,其赠予者留下了一条秘密讯息

ᾍလ Dear Koshea, may it guard you on your way home. ဝ

ᾍလ 亲爱的科希亚,愿它在你回家的路上保护你。ဝ

Credible record shows that Koshea doesn't have received any firearm training, not even a basic shooting course. Even though, it can be confirmed that the innatesensitivity of a Siracusa and the decisive personality, with the man's negotiation ability developed during the period of been a diplomat officer, have greatly improved his viability and combat ability in various situations. There seems to be some interactions and conflicts between Koshea and Rhode Island members in the execution of the mission.




  1. GORIE, 叙拉古的科希亚, 新浪微博, 2018-12-31